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Keep It Simple Saints

Larry Venable • March 9, 2023

A Simple Invitation

IT IS THAT SIMPLE, the overwhelming number one reason people who are unchurched will go to church is because someone “INVITES” them. There is not even a close second. Many of you are members of this church today because someone invited you. IT IS THAT SIMPLE!

So, that raises the question: If most people will come if they are invited, and if it is that simple, why are more of us not inviting people to come worship with us? To invite someone takes no special talent or skills. You don’t have to have a theological degree or even a lot of Biblical knowledge. You don’t have to have a certain personality type and you don’t even have to say a whole lot! In most cases a couple of sentences will do or handing to the invitee a card we provide for you. IT IS THAT SIMPLE!

What better opportunity than Easter Sunday to invite someone to come and worship with us. People, as a whole are, highly receptive during this season. We are even providing the invitation through an Easter Basket with some candy, gadgets, and an invitation. Sign up with how many baskets you want in your L.I.F.E. class, at the information center, or
online. Only God knows the impact one invitation can have but He will use every invitation to penetrate hearts. IT IS THAT SIMPLE! 

Bro. Larry

Easter Outreach Sign-Up

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