The weather is getting warmer which means it is getting close to BBQ- barbeque time! It is time to fire up the grill! What I have noticed about Freeman Heights is everyone that cooks prepares the food with the upmost care and time to ensure that the finished product is T&T (tender and tasty). Hours of preparation goes into marinating and seasoning the meat to ensure it is fit for the grill. By now I am sure some of you are asking what does this have to do with church. I am glad that you asked. The Lord is telling us that it’s seasoning time! Matthew 5:13 states, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.”
A quick glance down memory lane with our spiritual telescope will reveal that man has increased in scientific, medical, and technological knowledge. But we see a steep decline in church attendance and immoral behavior permeates our culture. It is time for the salt to start purifying and preserving a world gone out of control.
Salt was such a valuable commodity in ancient times that it was often traded ounce for ounce like other precious commodities. Roman soldiers were paid in salt. If a Roman soldier didn’t do a good job, he would not get all of his salt. That’s where we get the phrase that so-and-so is not worth his salt.
God has paid a great price, Jesus shed His blood, died on a cross, got up from the grave so that men and women, boys and girls, could be saved. Be the salt, go tell the story. He will purify and preserve!
Bro. Mark Booker