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It's That Time Again...

Larry Venable • February 12, 2023

Confessions of a Former Commerciaholic

I am a “recovered” and “rehabbed” commerciaholic!

Year after year I have religiously watched Super Bowl Commercials not wanting to miss a one. They entertained me and they enticed me but I finally saw the light!

They offer things to me that I don’t need, and they make me laugh at things that are ungodly and immoral, and they glorify things that no Christ-follower should honor!

I know! I know! To many of you this makes me sound like an “old codger” or an “old fuddy duddy” but so be it! The paradox is that I don’t care if Christians think I am legalistic and narrow but I do care that non-Christians see in me a life different and more meaningful than the life they live! TRUTH: much of Christianity on display in Western Culture looks no different than a Christ-less culture and really offers nothing different! The result is no one is beating down our door asking about and wanting the life we have in Jesus – and that is tragic! And don’t pull the grace card on me! I am wondrously saved by grace and I cannot do anything to put God in my debt! I am saved by grace, sustained by grace, and I serve by grace! But grace is not a license God issues us to do anything we want to do!

Paul wrote to Titus: “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age…” Titus 2:11-12(NIV)

Here’s a couple of questions I think are worth asking: “If your non-Christian family members and friends pursued what they see you pursuing what would they be going after? If your non-Christian family members and friends had the same priority you had what would matter to them? If your non-Christian family members and friends followed who or what you followed would they be going with Jesus or away from Jesus?” For me, I want to look at the world and what it offers and not see anything I want or need!

Of course Jesus said it best: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 (NASB)

Paraphrased: “Make Me the priority of your life and I will take care of everything else!”

Bro. Larry

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